Merchant Centered Acquiring (MCA) by FreedomPay is changing the way merchants, processors and ISVs find each other and work together. MCA is the industry’s first independent referral advisory service that takes the pain out of payment processing and makes merchants a partner in the process. It provides a more equitable payment system for a merchant’s business while creating new opportunities for all. The service begins with a totally free, no obligation assessment of a merchant’s current payment solution that identifies room for improvement from cost savings to operational efficiencies.
Unlock significant processing savings - RATE LOCK
Enhance operational predictability - FEES & STRUCTURES STANDARDIZED
Benchmark and buying power to strengthen bargaining position - FLEXIBLE APPROACH
Increase degree of freedom in terms and conditions for accepting payments driving agility in the business. - DATA-DRIVEN ANALYSIS
Start with an in-depth analysis and detailed review, improving purchase decision reliability

MCA provides education for the merchant, owner operator or entrepreneur on the payments industry, its acronyms, terminology and industry dynamics. The more you know, the greater the control you have and opportunity you can create.
MCA provides an evaluation of the company’s merchant account and current payment solution, spelling out areas for improvement. MCA advisors review your assessment in detail and walks you through the findings. It’s transparency meets savings meets operational efficiency.
Knowledge is only powerful once it’s activated. MCA enables the merchant to explore a range of pre-qualified and certified providers and make smart decisions. Merchants will be more informed and empowered to select the right processor based on their business and goals. With the help of MCA trusted advisors, merchants can enjoy greater agility, operational predictability, and efficiency.
If you’re a merchant in search of payment processing your way, Merchant Centered Acquiring (MCA) is the place to start. MCA uses the power of independent referrals to vet and verify processors from around the world, guiding merchants to select the processor that best fits your needs. It’s a no-cost service that provides a consultative review of your business, payment type patterns, volume, fees, terms, and overall fit within their business. MCA gets payment processing to work your way for a change.
Merchant Centered Acquiring (MCA) is changing the way merchants, processors and ISVs find each other and work together. MCA is the first-of-its-kind consultative service that simplifies payment ecosystem integration, helps ISVs compete for merchants and improves the overall buying process for everyone. This free service provides unparalleled access to a range of pre-qualified options, drives new ISV revenue, reduces onboarding lift, and positions you as a trusted strategic advisor.